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The Boss Man!

This is Frank! He is the amazing man behind one of our lenses and screens, bringing your photos to life. He has years of experience in photography, but recently decided to take it to a professional level. He is all about fun and crazy lights in the studio and really just life in general. He is so passionate about his photography. If you don't love what you do, don't do it. He is amazing at what he does and can create beauty from anything! He is always up for a challenge, no matter what the case may be! He is full of adventure and full of love and life! I've never met a more amazing and compassionate man, friend, dad and person.

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Meet Katherine! 

Besides being my photography partner, she is a creative mind machine. She always has an idea for a theme and is amazing at making it come to life. Her eye is sharp for the smallest details that most do not see. Her skills behind the lens never cease to amaze me. She is great at catching sweet moments on the sidelines as well as action shots. You should see some of the sweet candid family photos she has captured. This woman is truly amazing. She is the best mommy to our kids and the best thing to ever happen to me, so July 7th, I asked her to marry me, and she said yes!  I am so excited to spend forever loving her!



We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect!

(317) 646-5772 or (317) 220-2789

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